- Xshell® 7Xshell® 7Xshell is a powerful terminal emulator that supports SSH1, SSH2, SFTP, TELNET, RLOGIN and ...
- Xmanager Power Suite 7Xmanager Power Suite 7Xmanager Power Suite 7 is the complete network connectivity suite. The suite includes Xma...
- Xmanager® 7Xmanager® 7Xmanager is an industry leading PC X server which allows you to bring the power of X appli...
- Xftp® 7Xftp® 7Xftp 7 is a powerful, yet lightweight, SFTP/FTP client for users who need to transfer file...
- actifioactifioActifio delivers Enterprise Data as a Service to thousands of global enterprise customers ...
- TeradataTeradataTeradata delivers real-time, intelligent answers, leveraging 100% of the relevant data, re...
- open-eopen-eOpen-E, Inc. is a pioneering leader and developer of IP-based storage management software ...
- TallyGenicomTallyGenicomIt is our purpose to be the trusted global leader of highly reliable, innovative printing ...

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最新最快最先進的儲存技術 除了引進整體效能最佳的儲存設備之外,更培養眾多的技術人員提供與儲存系統相關的技術服務,從各種跨平台的整合、資料庫的移轉、異地備援的建置、叢集系統的規劃到各種閘道技術的建制置等等,都是我們專精之處。
資源管理、資料安全與企業入口網站的資訊技術 運用最成熟的軟體產品,幫客戶管理智慧資產,防止駭客入侵,規劃資訊安全,管控資料流程;並以最經濟的方式提供企業建置入口網站的資訊服務,實踐企業e化的願景。